Your Wisdom Teeth Questions AnsweredYour Wisdom Teeth Questions Answered

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Your Wisdom Teeth Questions Answered

If you have wisdom teeth that are painful, it's important that you read this blog. My name is Cassie Yardley and a few months ago I started having excruciating pain in my back teeth. I went to my dentist and he said that I had an impacted wisdom tooth. He told me that I would continue having the pain until I had the tooth removed because it was pressing against another tooth. My dentist could tell that I was anxious, so he took the time to tell me all about wisdom teeth, why we have them and why it's important to have them taken out. After my mouth healed, the pain was completely gone and I'm glad that I had the tooth removed. If you have questions about your wisdom teeth, please read my blog to learn all about them and how a dentist can help.


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From Pain To Relief With Root Canal Procedures

Dealing with dental pain can be an excruciating experience. Thankfully, modern dentistry offers solutions to alleviate this discomfort and save your natural tooth. One of these solutions is a root canal procedure.

What Is A Root Canal Procedure?

A root canal procedure aims to save an infected or severely damaged tooth rather than extracting it. A root canal becomes necessary your tooth becomes infected due to deep decay. Removal of infected pulp, followed by root canal cleansing and sealing, is what this procedure entails.

During a typical root canal procedure, your dentist will start by numbing the area around your affected tooth using local anesthesia. Then they will create an access point in your tooth to reach its inner chamber, where they can remove the infected pulp using specialized instruments. After thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the canals, they fill them with biocompatible material before sealing off the access point with a temporary or permanent filling material.

When Is A Root Canal Recommended?

Various signs may indicate that you require a root canal procedure. These include severe toothache or sensitivity to temperatures that lingers even after the stimulus is removed, swollen gums around the affected tooth, and darkening of the tooth.

In some cases, alternative treatments may be available depending on the condition of your tooth. These alternatives may include extraction followed by dental implants, bridges, or removable dentures. However, discussing these options with your dentist is essential because preserving your natural tooth through a root canal is often preferable.

Can Antibiotics Replace Root Canal Treatment?

Antibiotics are important in managing dental infections by eliminating bacteria that cause them. They can temporarily relieve pain and reduce inflammation associated with infected teeth.

However, antibiotics alone cannot fully eradicate an infected pulp. They merely address symptoms rather than treat the underlying cause. The only way to effectively address this issue is through a root canal procedure that removes the source of infection from within the tooth itself. In some instances where there is a widespread infection or systemic involvement, dentists may prescribe antibiotics alongside a root canal procedure.

Can A Root Canal Fail Or Get Infected Again?

Although rare when performed correctly by experienced professionals, there are instances where a primary root canal treatment may fail due to various factors. If a root canal fails or reinfection occurs, you may experience your symptoms returning. Additionally, you might notice the return of abscesses or pus-filled pockets near the affected area. In cases where a root canal has failed, or reinfection occurs, retreatment is often possible. This can involve reopening the tooth to remove any remaining infected tissue and disinfecting the canals.