How To Prepare For Your Upcoming Wisdom Tooth Removal
Have you been told that you have wisdom teeth that need to come out? Are you currently making plans for how to handle what happens after the surgery? Due to the size of the teeth involved, it's important to make sure that you're prepared for the process. As your dentist may already have told you, full recovery from the extraction may take several weeks, though the most vital healing will occur within the first week or so. As such, it's important to have things ready at home so that you are able to heal as quickly as possible. If you've never had an extraction before, here are some tips to consider:
Stock up on soft and liquid foods: Broth, applesauce, and yogurt are all good choices for foods to eat immediately following an extraction. Soups are also an okay choice, but do not choose a soup with rice or other small bits that could get lodged in the extraction site. A chicken or tuna salad sandwich may sound soft right now, but you'll probably want to save that for week two or three. Your dentist will likely give you a full list of foods that should be avoided; ask them for that information now instead of waiting for after the extraction is over.
Make yourself a "nest" to sleep in: For the first few days after an extraction, it may not be comfortable to sleep laying down. This could cause pain or simply excessive drooling. Because of this, it's a good idea to get extra pillows and set up a sleeping area in an armchair or on your couch that will allow you to sleep upright. Sleeping upright may not be the most comfortable thing to do, but your body will need the rest so that it can heal and recuperate.
Avoid certain painkillers: Some people are barely bothered by an extraction at all. They go to the dentist and come home with little more than a mild ache. If this happens to you, you may be tempted to take an aspirin or to use a few drinks to dull the pain that you do have. While this may sound like a good idea, don't do it. Both aspirin and alcohol can act as blood thinners, increasing the amount of time that it takes for your extraction site to fully clot. This, in turn, will also greatly increase healing times. Other over the counter painkillers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be fine, but talk with your dentist to make sure.
Contact a dentist from a clinic like Persona Dental if you have questions about maintaining your oral health.