Going From Dentures To Dental Implants
Some patients find that dentures are not a good solution for them, and they're left regretful and without natural teeth. Dental implants solve the problem for many patients.
Reasons to Make the Switch
Dentures can be downright uncomfortable for some patients. Perhaps the dentures don't fit quite right and they pinch parts of your mouth. Maybe the adhesive isn't working to hold dentures in place. Some patients struggle to eat or speak with dentures. If you have gone through the regular adjustment period and still don't have relief, speak with a dentist like Gallery Dental. There may be additional things that you can do to try and adjust. But if it's just not working out, dental implants are a good solution.
How It's Done
Your dentist may suggest a few things. They might have you try and get several implants on the top and bottom that can act as a strong anchor for a partial denture. Since you have some permanently attached teeth in this scenario, you might not find that you have the same problems with fitting or keeping the partial denture in place, Or, you could elect to have all of your teeth gradually replaced with dental implants.
What to Expect
You will need a dental consultation before you begin getting dental implants. If you have any bone or gum disease, this will need to be brought under control before you start putting in dental implants. The dental implants process requires oral surgery. A titanium base is put in place under your gums. When that firmly adheres to your mouth and your doctor has checked for infection, the top part of the implant (the crown) will be put in place. If you are opting for a partial denture to fill in the rest of your teeth, these will be measured once the dental implants are put in place.
Dental implants won't be an overnight fix. They still will require many weeks to install, and you will need to be on antibiotics to prevent infection from building up during this time. After that, you can experience some tenderness and limited ability to chew on hard items for many weeks. But when all is said and done, many patients experience relief after getting their dentures replaced by more stable dental implants. Your doctor will have the best input on whether to go ahead and scrap your dentures in favor of dental implants.